
november two

30 Days of Thanks- Day Two
My Education

I grew up the daughter of a teacher and an accountant. I was never quite sure which parent was more strict about my education, my mother or my father. Over time, I realized that they valued it for different reasons. My mom was feeding her teacher and nurturer instinct in wanting me to succeed and be as brilliant as I could be. My dad wanted me to reach my fullest potential without settling for being lazy. I never cared much for school. It took me six years to graduate college- for a lot of different reasons. But now that I am out in the real world I realize just how valuable my education is to my life. I can look out into the world and see where my education has brought me and where I might be without it.

I am thankful for:
- the ability to succeed that my education has given me
- having been taught diligence through schooling
- intellectual confidence
- being provided a quality education via my parents (a debt I am not sure I'll ever be able to repay)
- being born in a country where I have the opportunity to better myself through education

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