
march ten

My life is about to take its drastic changes into adulthood. I can't say if I am ready or not and I guess I won't actually know the answer to that question until the transition is complete. 

So, as this year progresses and I go through the process of graduating college, getting my first big kid job, moving into an apartment that is all my own and discovering and molding my life into what I want it to be, I decided to keep track of it all here in my blog.

To start, here's what you can probably expect. 
1. You can look forward to a lot of pictures. 
I do my best to document all of the happenings of my life because even though the memories in my mind may fade, the pictures are forever.

2. I'll be asking a lot of questions. 
This is a common theme of my life. I have a hard time accepting a lot of ways of the world and reasons for things. Therefore, I question things often. I know that in the next year, I'll have more questions than ever.

3. Expect to laugh - often.
Laughter is the greatest thing I have in my life and I cherish it more than almost anything. I love smiling more than I love almost any other feeling in the world and I do my best to find the happiness and laughter in any situation, even those that should break you.

4. There will be adventures.
I live with the outlook on life that our entire lives are one long journey and we go on all of these adventures throughout to end up right where we are supposed to be in the end. I want to fill my life with as many adventures and memories as possible and I want to share them all with the people I love the most and with you. 

5. You can expect honesty.
I've struggled for a while with honesty and its value to me and to other people. Over time, I learned that one of the kindest things you can do for another person is to be genuine and to be honest. I never let the opportunity to speak the truth pass me by, especially if it's a kind and honest truth to/about someone else.

"Everything carries me to you. As if everything that exists- aromas, light, metals- were little boats that sail toward those isles of your that wait for me." - Paulo Neruda

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