
june twenty eight

Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from the inside. We think that by hating someone, we hurt them. But hatred is a curved blade, and the harm we do to others, we also do to ourselves. - Mitch Albom


june twenty

 Sometimes your dreams will come true and you'll get to meet the man of your dreams.
Sometimes Tom will sing you Nickelback to set the mood.

Sometimes you'll go to a new restaurant for lunch just for the Parmesan Aioli fries.


june sixteen


Sometimes you'll make best friends at work.

 Sometimes you'll have to wrangle all the boys.

Sometimes you'll get to take amazing field trips to the Perot Museum.

 Sometimes your roommate will let you give her a fake tattoo after the Chicago Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup.

Sometimes you'll draw an awful tattoo of Corey Crawford.


june ten

Sometimes you have a favorite team and sometimes they will make your day.

Sometimes you'll get bored and put on your roommates superhero mask.


june nine

Sometimes your best friend will be the most fun-loving person you've ever met- and she will stick her head out of the sunroof of the car.

Sometimes you'll go to a baseball game with your best friends and eat a hot dog with ketchup.

Sometimes you'll sit in the front row for a baseball game.


june six

Sometimes you'll take a four mile walk in your neighborhood to explore the sculpture park.


june three

Sometimes you'll get to see your first class ever graduate from school.

Sometimes a coworker will be a friend and a support system.