
august eight

The Struggle to Believe

Faith is confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about the things we cannot see. - Hebrews 11:1

To simply state that I have struggled with faith for a while is as easy as it gets. When I say ‘faith’ I mean both having faith in others and having religious faith. Due to my past experiences, I always build up the feeling that I’ve been jaded by faith. In my mind, I have been wronged by others so many times that somewhere along the way I lost my faith in the decency of humanity. I lost the belief that there are good people in this world who will treat you right. And at this same time, I lost my faith in God and the belief that there is someone always watching over me, protecting me, loving me and leading me down a set path to a perfect destiny. 

I think this all started in high school and built upon itself in college. I don’t place all of the blame on the world around me because I know it was just as much my own doing as it was the worlds. I look back on those days when I was the most jaded and cynical and I realize, as dark as they were, I learned a lot about myself. I learned about the type of friend I wanted to be and the type of friend I never wanted to have. I learned about the kind of person I wanted to be in this world and the values that I hold closely to my heart. 

Overcoming the faith in humanity was a slow process but it was easier than my faith in God. I could see glimpses of the good this world had to offer and I slowly convinced myself that it was there, if I looked hard enough for it.  The thing that I have learned lately though, which was the hardest thing of all, was that if I wanted to live in a world of good, I had to be that good. I needed to set the example I wanted to see from the world. It’s hard to look at a world that is so diverse, with so many individuals, and learn to love it all.  It has taken a lot of time and a lot of growth for me to realize that although someone may not be living a life the same as yours, it doesn’t make their life not worth living. We don’t hold the power to judge someone else’s’ happiness and all we can do is be joyous in their joy.

Finding my faith in God has been a struggle since I was younger. I used to try to convince myself that I felt the way everyone else wanted me to feel. In time, I gave up trying all together. As my life evolved and I found myself facing real challenges and dilemmas and having absolutely no idea how I was going to make it out, I had nowhere left to turn but to Him. I think He intentionally put the people closest to me in my life to always remind me when I lost my way, that when I felt alone, I always had Him. I’ve learned that lately. Those places I was, even on the darkest days, he put me there for a reason. It was His discipline, His lesson, and He was molding me into a better person.

I cannot say that my faith was restored by my own personal doing. Was it partially because of my own efforts? Of course. But I know I have three very important people in my life to thank. 

First, my mother. She always reminded me that, even though I didn’t want to believe it, God was always there for me. He brought me to every struggle for a reason. He brought people in and out of my life to teach me the lessons that made me into that person He planned for me to be. Every step I took, she reminded me that those were planned steps on my map. She listened to me question my faith endlessly and never once gave up hope that I had lost it completely.

Second, my oldest friend. Indirectly, she was always a guiding light for me. She always had so much more faith in others, herself and her religion than I ever did. My admiration for her individually, helped me realize that I had it in me to be a better person. Looking at her I was always reminded that there will always be great people in my life. She always has and always will embody a level of love, gratitude and faith that I try to strive for.

Lastly, my best friend. She may not be my mother or my oldest friend but from her I have learned the most about who I want to be in this world. She helped me save the faith that I let myself lose. The faith that I couldn’t bother to find, she restored in me. She opened my eyes to a kinder and more loving world and is constantly reminding me to love everyone, even myself, especially in the moments when it is most difficult. I think that she saved me from the part of my life that confused me the most and she always seemed to shine a light on my darkest days and held out a hand to lead me down a better road.

I know it is a slow build and a constant progression. There will be more times in my life that I lose and gain more and less faith in others and in God but I should never let myself completely let it go.  Because if you lose your faith in the things that are most sacred to you, what do you really have left?

God paid a high price for you, so don't be enslaved by the world. - 1 Corinthians 7:23

For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true. - Ephesians 5:9

No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening- it's painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way. So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong. -Hebrews 12:11-13


august second

San Fransisco- A Photo Set

 It wouldn't be west coast vacation without a midnight stop at In N Out Burger.

Muir Woods National Monument

 Cheesecake Factory- our favorite family tradition.
 Lombard Street- the curviest street in America

 I find them wherever I go.

 Kendall Jackson Winery Tasting Room

Rodney Strong Vineyards

Francis Ford Coppola Winery
Of all the wineries that we toured and tasted at, this one was by far my favorite. The wine itself was not something to write home about, however the atmosphere and ambiance of the winery was phenomenal.  I wanted to purchase every single thing in the store, they had a swimming pool and lounge outside and there was so much memorabilia from Coppola including the original desk from the Godfather movie and all of his Oscars.

Golden Gate Park

Pebble Beach- which was utterly freezing and I don't even want to discuss how, once again, Harry Styles was here just two days before me.

The best part of visiting California was getting to visit with my family that I rarely see. Having dinner with them twice in such a short period of time was such a blessing and it reminds me that even though we may be separated by so many miles, we can always come together like nothing has ever changed.